
  • Projet: Air-conditioning failure in hospital operating rooms
  • Bien concerné: Hospital, 2 liquid coolers with a total capacity of 1.6 MW
  • Lieu: Bourges (18), FRANCE
  • Enjeux: 450 000 €
  • Domaines d’expertises: Corrosion, CVC

Operating room air-conditioning failure

Appointed to defend the interests of our customer, T.E.C. took part in an expert appraisal of a malfunction in the air-conditioning system in the operating theatres of a hospital, as part of a claim to the building damage insurer.

In the course of this appraisal, T.E.C. worked alongside the manufacturer of the liquid coolers, both in the field and in the laboratory, during investigations carried out on the tubular exchangers, in order to identify the origin of the disorders.

T.E.C.’s long-standing knowledge of tubular heat exchanger sizing and manufacturing methods, as well as its operating modes, contributed to a precise identification of the origin of the disorders.

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